St Andrews 89 Malvern Avenue HA2 9ER   Registered Charity 1131727

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Palm Sunday for Messy Church on line

story of Palm Sunday for children

Maundy Thursday for Messy Church

Story of Jesus'Last Supper with his disciples

From Good Friday to Easter Day

The story of Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection

The stained glass windows of St Andrews

Illustration and description of the stained glass windows designed by Max Nauta

The History of the Church of St Andrew 1941 to 1957

The history of the Church in the very early years

The History of the Church of St Andrews - 1957 to 1969

Telling the story of St Andrews Roxbourne from th the consecration in 1957 up to the death of the first Vicar Fr Nadkarni

VE Day recollections

St Andrew’s celebrates the lives of those who served their country in the armed forces and as civilians during World War ll and others who lived through those years

Ascension Day for Messy Church

Tells the story of Jesus' resurrection , ministry and Ascension

The History of the Church of St Andrew 1981 to 1990

Celebrating the clergy, events and special occasions from 1981 to 1990

The History of the Church of St Andrew 1990 to 2005

Celebrating the Clergy, events and activities of the Church